

My Two Cents

Why I'm happy...

Gas was $1.53 when I filled up at Costco last night, meaning that I filled my whole tank for $25.01 exactly! Even if these prices don't last long, it is certainly saving me money in the meantime. Much better than the $60+ I used to spend every time I filled up. Considering how much I drive each week, me and my wallet and enjoying the break at the pump.

Why I'm not happy...

According to, the HIGH, yes the high, for Thursday and Friday in Virginia is 37 and 36! I think the world is playing a cruel joke on me. I am not cut out for this kind of weather. The worst part? The morning graduation is outside on bleachers. And no they don't move it inside because there is a military parade as part of the ceremony which cannot possibly be held indoors. I have not been in weather that cold in 3 years, since I spent a week in Atlantic City, NJ in January. At least they are no longer predicting rain for Friday, but seriously? In the 30's as a high? I might have rethink this whole moving to the east coast thing.

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