

January 2009 Challenge

Well we've officially made it to 2009 and I'm resuming my blogging. It's been quite an eventful two weeks for us, most of which I will be filling everyone in on later once I download photos and get more photos from my mom. That means actually downloading them for her because she keeps saying she doesn't know how to download photos, no matter how easy I tell her it is. I know you are reading this mom, and yes, it really is that easy, but don't worry, I'll do it for you.

The biggest thing going on is that Chris has come and gone. He actually left before the New Year, so I am starting out the New Year alone. Don't worry, I'm not sad about it and I don't expect a pity party :) I'm actually putting my time alone to good use...I've decided I need some challenges. Most everyone who knows me knows that I am a workout fanatic. Not in a weird way of course, but I really do enjoy working out. I go at least 8 times a week, both before and after work, and my workouts consist mostly of weight lifting, running, and cross training. That's been my routine for the past year and a half and I love it, at least I used to. I think I've finally gotten bored of the same old routine. I've done half marathons, and even a triathlon, but I keep thinking I need something completely different to master.

My chosen challenge for January 2009....YOGA! Here's the thing about yoga, I hate it. I've done it a few times over the last 5 years and every time I feel like I either want to laugh during the whole thing, or my shoulders are killing me due to that darn downward dog position I can't seem to manage. But everyone needs a challenge right? I found a brand new yoga studio in my neighborhood that is offering free classes for the entire month of January. My goal is to go twice a week for the entire month and see if I can make myself like it. My first class is tomorrow and is a yoga for runners class. I'll fill everyone in on how I do tomorrow. My goal for the first few weeks? Master my yoga nemesis, the downward dog without making my shoulders burn. Wish me luck!

P.S. Look for my holiday updates either later today or tomorrow!

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