

Me + this + that...

*Note that today (Sept. 16th) I realized that I forgot something. I've added it. Please reread.

Obviously I haven't had time to do that blogging I was talking about. And this week is no exception. I was actually taking a much needed break from work and blog hopping and came across a cute idea of expressing exactly why I am going to have to take a break from blogging for the next few weeks. This pretty much explains why I've been so busy...

Me + work + two-a-day workouts + studying for the GRE + writing/editing a cookbook + finishing up painting the entire house + putting the newly painted rooms back in order + getting ready for Chris to come home (hopefully!!!) + taking care of a house and pool by myself + having a new "friend" around the house + all the regular weekend chores = One Exhausted Me!

I'm hoping to return to the blogging world the beginning of October so stay tuned!


Meg said...


the deutsch girl said...

Yes. I am applying for grad school. Even though we don't know our plans for moving quite yet, I want to apply to school here and see what happens.