It was nice to wake up Saturday and see nothing but sunshine. Chris let me sleep in, even though I am pretty sure he'd been awake for a while. Oh and by the way, sleeping in was about 8am. I am not a sleeper. For those who know Chris, the Marines have made him less of a sleeper, but he's still one of the best nappers I know. So we woke and up and got ready for the day and then went for Breakfast. Chris decided that he wanted to go to Sheetz. It's a hard place to explain, but basically it's a convenience store that serves some of the best food. EVER. And if I'm saying that it's good, it really must be. After all, I do not usually venture to a convenience store of any type of hot meal. The place is neato because you order at these touch screens listing all the items and all the toppings/sides/etc. things you can get on your meal. For breakfast we went with sandwiches. I opted for the Sheetz version of an egg mcmuffin and Chris got something with pretzel bread. After that, we headed over to the barracks. Chris needed to do a few things, so we hung out there for a while and talked with his roommates and then we decided to head to Richmond.

The counter at Sheetz. See how fun it is???
Neither of us had even been, and we wanted to check it out. Its only an hour drive from Fredericksburg, so we headed out without any kind of solid plan. That was our first mistake. First we had to stop and make a pick up midway. Chris had ordered a part for a gun (don't ask, it's a Chris thing) and it had arrived and we had to go and pick it up. That took a little while, and then we continued our trip to Richmond. We were hungry before we got there and we stopped at another Sheetz for an afternoon snack. It's a good thing we don't have either Sheetz or it's close cousin Wawa here in Arizona, or I would gain a few pounds. We finally got into Richmond around 4:15. We had no idea what we were doing. Initially we had wanted to go check out the suburbs and maybe see some houses and then check out the downtown area. We finally got to the tourist bureau and found where we could see things downtown. Then it all went downhill. Chris decided to start driving around to find some suburbs, and we ended up in the wrong part of town. Let's just say I'd never seen parts like that in person, only in the movies. Even during my 3 year stint in LA, I'd never wandered into something like this. It took us forever to get out of it, and back to the downtown area, and at that point we just wanted to go back up North. Originally we were going to do dinner down there, but decided we'd just go back and eat in Fredericksburg. And that's exactly what we did.
The evening ended up pretty chill. We ate at the Olive Garden thanks to a gift card we had gotten for Christmas 2007 that I had remembered to bring, and after that we went back to the hotel and had a drink and birthday cake and watched tv until we both fell asleep. It was certainly an adventurous day in the land of Virginia. Unfortunately we didn't take any photos that day. I had wanted to take some of the ghetto we landed in, however I feared someone might try to carjack me for the camera, so I didn't. Stay tuned for Sunday's recap!
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