This weekend was pretty darn busy, and it didn't exactly start off on the right foot. Over the course of the week, I had a few small disasters at the house.
1. I came home one night to a sprinkler leak, but didn't realize until the next morning that our bubblers had never turned off and that I had possibly been watering the sidewalk and street for up to 36 hours. I managed to get all the water off, but that resulted in having no landscape watering at all.
2. The ice maker in the fridge stopped working which wouldn't have been so bad except that I'm an ice freak.
3. I opened a fabulous letter from our HOA informing me that the front yard needed to be cleaned up within 10 days or we would be getting a fine. And by cleaned I mean deweeding the forest that was growing in my front yard.
So needless to say I was a little stressed going into Friday. I took Friday afternoon off and came home, bought some weed killer, and started deweeding until it was dark. Saturday morning I got up for an 8 mile run with my mom and then she and my dad headed over to help with problems #1 and #3. My mom and I worked in the smaller weeds while my dad tried to find the problem with the bubblers. After a while my mom left to do some shopping (lucky her!) and my dad and I continued. He wasn't able to find the problem, even with help from a sprinkler store. He was amazing however and finished all the weeding and even mowed my lawn while I was getting my hair done. I couldn't thank him enough for all of his efforts, it saved me so much time and worry.
Sunday was my day to enjoy. The Cardinals were finally in a Super Bowl! My parents and Gramma came over and we had queso dip, spicy bean dip, pigs in a blanket, various snack mixes, buffalo chicken sandwiches, tater tots and cupcakes. I ate waaaaaaaaaay too much food and was hurting by the 4th quarter. Oh well, it was totally worth it. Here's what our super bowl party looked like...

My cupcakes decorated with sugar footballs, Cardinals helmets and pom poms. They were butter cake with buttercream or fudge frosting.

Peanut and my mom in their Cardinal Red!

My Gramma was working on one of her quilts while watching the game and Hawkins was one very interested kitty. He liked to watch the needle move around.
Oh and I saw on my friend Megan's blog that she had fun super bowl facts...I have one too. Three years ago I was invited to Chris' house for a Super Bowl party by my friend Emily. I barely knew him, I'd met him once a few months before, but we ended up spending a good portion of the party talking and joking around. Apparently her and her friend Erin were trying to set us up, unbenownst to me. Who would have guessed what 3 years later would bring? Thank you Super Bowl!!!
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