My friend Megan gave me this really fun blog award. Megan and I have known each other since Kindergarten, and probably a little before. She's my oldest friend (20+ years!) and no matter where we've moved and what we've done, we always manage to keep in touch. Oh and to prove it, here's a picture of us when were were 8 and 9 at Halloween.
Along with this award, I have to answer some questions with ONE WORD ANSWERS. Anyone who knows me knows that I can't answer anything in 1 paragraph never mind one sentence. Here's my best shot at this.
1. Where is your cell phone? Computer
2. Where is your significant other? Virginia
3. Your hair color? Blondish
4. Your mother? Supportive
4. Your mother? Supportive
5. Your father? Hardworking
6. Your favorite thing? Cupcakes
7. Your dream last night? None
6. Your favorite thing? Cupcakes
7. Your dream last night? None
8. Your goal? 1:55
9. The room you are in? cubicle
10. Your hobby? Running
11. Your fear? Iraq
12. Where do you want to be in six years? NorthCarolina
12. Where do you want to be in six years? NorthCarolina
13. Where were you last night? Postinos
14. What you are not? Tall
15. One of your wish list items? Gardener
16. Where you grew up? Southwest
17. The last thing you did? Phone
18. What you are wearing? Workclothes
19. Your TV? HD
20. Your pet? Snuggly
21. Your computer? 3
22. Your mood? Content
23. Missing someone? Always
24. Your car? Detailed
25. Something you are not wearing? Flipflops
26. Favorite story? SquirrelTurnovers
27. Your Summer? HOT
28. Love someone? Verymuch
29. Your favorite color? Pink
30. When was the last time you laughed? Lastnight
31. Last time you cried? tear
love the pic of you and megan. it brings back great memories of living in tempe
Jennie, I agree! It seems like yesterday. Janelle, I love reading your blog and seeing pictures of your family. It makes me feel connected. I hope we all get to see eachother in the near future.
Lisa Pedigo
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