Materials Needed
Beach Memories (shells, sea glass, etc.)
Glass or plastic vase
Place shells in colander and let water run over them to clean off any remaining sand. Lay shells on towel to dry completely. While shells dry, fill vase with sand to desired level. Use glass cleaner to clean the inside of the vase, the sand may cause some dust to settle on the inside of the vase. Once your memories are dry, place in vase in desired locations. I suggest putting any larger shells you have at the bottom so they don't cover the smaller ones. And viola, you have an instant decor piece out of practically nothing!
Beach Memories ($0) + Vase ($9.99) + Sand ($0) = $10.71 TOTAL ( including tax)
You are adorable! I love avoiding finals by reading your blog :)
I love it! I already have 2 of these in my house - the guest room and the guest bathroom. Have to love it! :)
Cute Idea!
I did this in a few of my hurricane vases expect I used white sand from Destin, FL and placed a candle in the center. It's really cute and a great way to remember a vacation. Remember when we went to Hawaii???? I think I still have some lava rocks :) What could I do with those?
You are so Martha Stewart
You are so Martha
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