

Almost There.

We are now almost all the way out of the old house and into the storage units and my parents house.  It's been extremely hectic and tiring, but in 2 days we turn over the house and so it will be over.  I meant to take pictures of the whole moving event, but let's be honest, I was way too busy to be sitting around taking pictures.  I barely sat down all weekend as it was.  The house is being cleaned today, and Chris and my dad are finishing up taking odds and ends to the storage units.  And yes, that's units with an "s".  We have two - one for stuff that Chris needs immediately and the other is stuff that will go out east eventually.  Let's just say we have a lot of crap things.  And while most people say that the girl side of the duo has more stuff, I can safely say that Chris has way more things than I do! 

We also still have a lot of organizing to do at my parent's house.  Trying to fit all of our stuff is proving to be a challenge, but I am slowly but surely getting it done.  So in light of everything, I will be taking a break from blogging until that's done.  And then I'll have pictures to show everyone of my (our) new space.  Stay tuned to see my new little slice of life! 

*Hahaha I say all this like I have a ton of readers and my posts will be missed :)   


The Countdown Begins

So we are officially at one week until we are out of our house, and the renters take over.  I've been full of mixed emotions the past week or so, realizing that we are really moving out the house and home Chris and I have shared the past 3 1/2 years.  Ok, technically we only "shared" it for about 2 1/2 years, but you know what I mean.  I'm so happy that we found renters without even trying, and even though we were hoping to have a little more time in the house since we don't HAVE to lease, we know it's the right thing to do.  We are moving into my parent's house, and into my old room.  It should be interesting.  For one things, there's a full bed in there.  For anyone who hasn't met Chris, he's a big guy.  Not big fat, but he's 6ft tall and pretty muscular.  And the room isn't particulary large.  But we are hoping that he will find a job soon back east and he will only be there for a month or so. 

Here's a little pro-con list of our move.  Not that it changes anything of course, but don't they say that it helps to write things down?

  • 4 mile roundtrip commute to work instead of a 50 mile roundtrip commute
  • My mom's cooking!  This should probably be 2 or 3 pros b/c it's really good stuff
  • No more utility payments
  • No more yardwork and pool maintenance
  • My grandparents 3 houses away with their gorgeous resortlike backyard
  • Closer to downtown Phoenix which means more sporting events
  • Beach cruiser rides to breakfast, coffee, and pretty much anywhere with my mom
  • 3 cats and 2 dogs in one house.  And the cats aren't too keen on one of the dogs
  • Very little space to ourselves
  • Sharing a bathroom with one sink, and a very little counter
  • No big screen TV :(
  • Sharing a small walk in closet.  Great for one person, not so much for two
You can probably see that the pros outweight the cons for the most part.  We may feel a bit cramped, but it will just take some adjusting.  I've already started bringing my clothes to my parent's house, and the computers will be next.  That's pretty much all we are bringing with us besides the animals and their necessities. 

I'll conclude with some pictures I took last weekend when we worked for three straight days around the house.  So much for my President's Day Weekend!  Our biggest project was the pool.  We had to drain the pool, powerwash it, and refill it.  We had let it get really bad, and it looked like a pond.  The only way to fix it was to drain it, and then clean up everything.  I haven't taken an "after" photo yet, but let's just say that the after is beautiful!!!     


Getting the hang out this

*Note that I originally wrote this on February 1st, so I'm a little behind on actually posting.  Oh well!

This weekend I reached huge strides in my freezer project.  But before I tell you about those items, let me tell you about my meal creation from last week.  One of the items I had was Steak Umm.  When Chris bought this a while ago, I had no idea what it really was, but that it was used to make cheesesteak.  I thought it was thin slices of meat you cook.  Well I couldn't have been more wrong.  I mean it is meat you cook, but it comes in a super thin rectangle.  I guess you do the slicing yourself.  I have seven, yes seven, of these steaks to eat.  So far I've eaten two, simply because I've eaten this meal twice.  I went on their website for ideas, because I didn't want to make cheesesteak.  Chris makes way better cheesesteak and I didn't want to be disappointed.  So I decided to go with a gyro recipe.  Of course when the time came to make it, I ended up skipping a lot of steps.  I was tired and didn't feel like putting a lot of effort into my dinner.  It worked out well though.

The ingredients...sandwich thin, steak umm, tzatziki sauce, and cucumber.
First slice up the cucumber paper thin.  You can do it any way you like, but I'm a paper thin kind of gal.
Then I fried up the steak ummm.  Doesn't this look god awful?  It really tastes much better than it looks.
After that was done, I layers the tzatziki sauce, then the cucumber and then the meat.  This is final before the meat.  I guess I forgot to take an after.

I also made blueberry banana bread this weekend, which used up the frozen blueberries and bananas, and invited my parents to dinner which used up the filet mignon.  Slowly but surely I will do this!        


BIG Changes Coming...

It's official.  We are moving out of our house in two weeks and the house on canary will no longer be ours.  Well I guess that's not totally true since we own it still (at least half of us does) and we will be renting it out to a family.  Which leads me to another issue...this blog will no longer be relevant.  Part of me wants to keep the name for the sake of keeping it, and part of me wants to change it to something a little more relevant.  Not that anyone will really know the difference, but I feel like I could use a change.  Plus, once the move is complete I should have a lot more time to blog.  I keep saying that, but this time, it will really be true.  I won't have the yard work to do, the housework to do, and the commute. 

Oh and did I mention we are moving in with my parents???  It's a temporary gig until Chris can find a job back east and we find out if I got into grad school.  Once those two items are checked off the list, I will either stay with them during school, or head off to the east coast with Chris.  I will find out between March 1st and 15th and the wait is killing me.

So what does everyone think???  Should I keep the name and just do a site revamp, or do a name and site revamp all at the same time?  Let me know (if anyone is actually reading this.  but that's a whole other issue).