

Playing Catch Up

It's funny how time off flies by. Chris and I spent some great time together, and he's actually on his way back to Maryland now for his monthly drill. He'll be back Monday afternoon, so I'll be doing some fun activities while he's gone with my mom.
In the meantime, I'm trying to play blog catch up. Before Chris came home, his older sister Jennifer had her first child. His name is Richard Jackson and will go by Jack. He was 10 days late, and they finally had to induce her, because he was in no hurry to enter the world. Chris was able to spend a few days on his cross country drive with them in Houston and see Baby Jack. As a gift, I "made" burp cloths out of cloth diapers. Now I saw "made" in parentheses, because I'll admit I did none of the actual sewing. I did pick the fabrics and borders, but my wonderfully talented mother did all of the sewing. Here's a few photos of the finished project. Jennifer and her husband chose not to know the sex of the baby beforehand, so we were working with a gender neutral palette. And she loves penguins, so I always try to include something that has penguins.

Here's the six that we made.

A closer view of the six.

A close up of my mom's handy work. Adorable.

Sorry for the bad photos. I was putting them in the box at that very moment and was trying to beat the mail deadline for the day!


I can finally breathe...a little

Well the day finally arrived...Chris is home! He drove in yesterday a little before 5pm. I left work early so that I could be home with he got there. I'll admit it was the best feeling in the world to have him home again. He hadn't actually set foot in our house since December 2008 and he had been on active duty since October 3, 2008. I also hadn't seen him since May, so there was a lot of rejoicing in the house last night.

Last night after he got home, I went to the gym while he napped. I came home and we had a "gourmet" dinner of defrosted baked spaghetti and french bread. We watched all the episodes of Modern Family and then I made homemade pizookie for dessert. My parents bought us our own individual cast iron skillets and I broke them out last night after a long hiatus in the cupboard. After that we crashed since I had to go to work today :( It was hard for me to leave, but I am taking all next week off from work, so I just have to get through the next day and a half.

We have some fun things planned for the next week or so, so I'm hoping to blog A LOT since I won't be working. Stay tuned!