

Me + this + that...

*Note that today (Sept. 16th) I realized that I forgot something. I've added it. Please reread.

Obviously I haven't had time to do that blogging I was talking about. And this week is no exception. I was actually taking a much needed break from work and blog hopping and came across a cute idea of expressing exactly why I am going to have to take a break from blogging for the next few weeks. This pretty much explains why I've been so busy...

Me + work + two-a-day workouts + studying for the GRE + writing/editing a cookbook + finishing up painting the entire house + putting the newly painted rooms back in order + getting ready for Chris to come home (hopefully!!!) + taking care of a house and pool by myself + having a new "friend" around the house + all the regular weekend chores = One Exhausted Me!

I'm hoping to return to the blogging world the beginning of October so stay tuned!


The past few weeks

have been crazy busy! And of course, because of this, blogging has taken a back seat to everything else. I am hoping that this weekend I will have time to post an update of everything that's been going on around here lately, and of course post some photos. Between an array of new "activities" that I've taken on the past few weeks, I am exhausted on most days. Hopefully I can figure out a better schedule that will accompany the many tasks I'm trying to accomplish. I'll give much more detail this weekend, so stay tuned!