A Few Disasters

Home Makeover Part II
Part II consists of the living room and kitchen. Because of our open floor plan, the front room, living room and kitchen all run together, making it necessary to paint the entire space one color. You'd be amazed at how much a coat of paint changes the look of the room. The rooms already look much warmer and inviting without those harsh yet dingy white walls. I will post all the before and after pictures once we are done putting everything back and adding a few more decor items. Luckily these rooms were pretty much done decorating-wise, so there won't be very many more additions. I did buy a few things on our trip to the mountains last weekend, and I can't wait to add them to the mix. And a HUGE thanks to my parents, who did all the painting. It wasn't that I didn't want to help, but they have a pretty good two person system, and I don't really have a spot to help. I stayed busy though, cleaning out my refrigerator (I found items that were best by 2006, I really needed to do this) and reorganized my pantry and cleaned that out as well. I also spend time on our pool and laundry and such. Stay tuned to see how everything comes together!
Just monkeying around

A Huge Ordeal
Hawkins at the door a few weeks ago. Please excuse my dirty glass door, the animals are constantly getting it dirty and I've pretty much given up.But he still didn't come home, it was getting pretty late and he'd never spent a night outside. I decided to nap on the couch for a while, waiting for him to scratch at the door, but still nothing. I slept on the couch all night long and that morning when he still hadn't come home, I really started to worry. So much in fact that I skipped work that day, worked from home as best I could, and spent the majority of the day doing my rounds of the neighborhood on either my bike or in my car. Later in the afternoon I even made some signs (really crappy looking ones b/c we don't have a printer at home) and hung them up around the neighborhood.
After a second night on the couch, I decided that I had to go to work yesterday. As much as I could barely force myself away from the house, I decided to put food and water out and just hope for the best. My dad came to check the backyard around noon and still nothing, so after work I headed home for another round, this time set with color posters. Oh, and I had to tell Chris that night. He had been out training on some boats and was incommunicado so he had no idea what was going on. It broke my heart to tell him that his cat was missing, this cat is as close to a child as he's ever known. But I refused to give up the entire time and once again last night after my usual rounds I camped out on the couch for the third night. I'm sure some people think I'm crazy for the couch, but it's right by the back door and I wanted to guarantee I could hear him. I am an incredibly sound sleeper, so I needed all the help I could get! At about 3am I woke up and looked outside and noticed that the food bowl I'd put on the table was moved. I got up and saw that the food bowl was empty. I couldn't get myself too excited because the food could have easily been consumed by another cat or bird. I looked outside, didn't see anything, and went back to the couch.
All of sudden I was woken up to the sounds of scratching at my door! I bolted off the couch and saw our precious kitty at the door, standing on his hind legs and scratching with the front two. I literally ran to the door, slipped on the tile and fell right on my left elbow (that story is for another post) and let him inside. I couldn't believe that he had come back, after more than 52 hours of being gone. He still had his collar on, was totally unharmed, and pretty much acted like nothing ever happened. I of course was sooo relieved. Apparently our little guy was pretty tired from his adventure because he crawled in his bed for a little bit of sleep.
I really wish he could tell me where he'd been all that time, but I'm just glad to have him back safe and sound. I think he'll be staying inside for the next few days, or at least under some close supervision in the backyard!
This weekend I am headed up to our cabin in Northern AZ with my parents, and possibly my grandparents. I am looking forward to getting away from the city, even though the weather here has been quite mild so far the past week or so. Hopefully I'll have some pictures to share, but in the meantime, I'll leave you with a must try recipe. And I really must must try. As in if you don't try it in the next week or so, I might try to harm you. Just kidding!
A few weeks ago I went to a pool party hosted by a guy who I work out with. I'll have to go into more detail about the gym I've started going to another day, but anyways, we were all invited over to his house for an afternoon pool party. I knew that I wanted to bring something, and of course, something sweet was requested. Only a few days earlier I had seen this recipe and thought to myself that I had to make that, the only problem being that of course living alone at the moment, I would have to eat the whole thing. This pool party was the perfect excuse to have a little bit, and dump the rest on other people. It's called the Cookie Cake Pie and comes from the fabulous blog CakeSpy. The whole concept is amazing, and I really hope everyone has the chance to make it. You can make it with any combo you can create, and I really encourage everyone to try this at some point. I chose the following combo:
- Homemade pie crust
- Chocolate chip cookie dough from a mix
- Golden butter cake mix
- Fudge frosting from a can
- Round rainbow sprinkles
I also didn't get a single picture. I really should have taken a few at home, but I was in a rush, and it didn't last long enough at the party to get a good shot. You'll have to use your imagination this time around, but trust me, it was pretty. I have another combo in mind, so maybe I'll make that for the next pool party and I'll share that with you, making sure to take a photo!
I'm Back...Sort Of
The summertime is really when I do all my reading. With the Arizona heat, we aren't left with very many options of things to do. Swimming, reading, and holing up in my house are usually at the top of the list. Also, because I can go through a book in a few days, sometimes even less, I tend to rely on the library, not the bookstore for my constant stream of books. I'm going to post what I am currently reading in case anyone needs any ideas of their own. Right now I am reading a culinary mystery series. The first one is posted now, although technically I just finished the last few pages earlier at work. I recommend it. Anyone have any good book ideas? If so, post them below and see you in a few days for an east coast recap!